The name originates from Greek δίς -dis meaning double, ὄψις -opsis meaning sight or vision and ἰδού- idos meaning shape. This hints to the fact that Diopsides often appear as twinned crystals and/or it alludes to the two possible orientations of the prism faces of Diopside crystals. Diopside is a calcium-magnesium-silicate and one of the most common minerals of the pyroxene-group. It forms two complete series with Hedenbergite and Johannsenite.

The 4-rayed star is caused by reflection of light at needle-shaped inclusions of magnetite..I’ve been asked this questions frequently.
Diopside is a calcium-magnesium-silicate and one of the most common minerals of the pyroxene-group. It forms two complete series with Hedenbergite and Johannsenite.
It is only in India Star Diopside is very often offered as “Black Star”. This is misleading, as the name “Black Star” must, in accordance with trade practices, only be used for black Star Sapphires. With all other black star stones, like black Star Moonstone, the mineral name must be added.
Jewellers ;
Diopside shows distinct cleavage. Apply pressure carefulle during setting. Regarding Diopside´s susceptibility to heat, acids and brines we have contradictory reports. Goldsmiths are telling that all contact with boric acid and galvanic baths must be avoided and that Diopside should not be cleaned ultrasonically. However, the German Wikipedia entry states, that it is virtually unsusceptible to all acids except hydrofluoric acid. As a ringstone Star Diopside must be worn with care as it will rather quickly lose its polish when worn daily.
Metaphysical Properties ;
Black DiopsideDiopside’s Black Color makes a strong connection to the earth… that means that it is an excellent stone for you to use if you do dowsing.
As you make a connection with the energy of the earth… you may find that your values and ideals regarding the earth might change. It may make you more passionate, about doing all you are able to do, to treat the earth differently. This connection may teach you the sacredness of the planet on which you live.
Diopside is a very creative stone and can bring creativity to the bearer. This mineral can be used to help with analysis and logic as an assistant to learning. It can be used to stimulate the intellect and can provide assistance in mathematical and analytical pursuits. It enhances academic learning and couples the practical side of ones nature to both the sciences and arts!
Now that explains the reasons of why I am so fond of this stone ♥♥
It helps one to wield pride objectively, providing both humility and respect for the superior exhibition of intelligence. It is also said to be related to love, commitment, and the inner heart.
It is traditionally said to be helpful for healing trauma, partly by bringing cleansing tears. Sometimes it’s even called the “crying stone” because of this.
It also allows one to understand the duality within the self, and it further can help get in touch with the feminine side, which can help heal aggression and stubbornness.
Physically it has been used in crystal healing for the heart, lungs, circulation, weakness, kidneys, muscle aches and spasms, and psychological disorders.
Diopside is associated with the heart, third eye and root (base) chakras. Black Star Diopside is associated more with the root chakra than other colors of Diopside, and brings more energies of calming stress and anxiety.
Diopside is also used for calming pets at times.
Lastly astrological sign of Diopside is Virgo and it vibrates to the number 9 for those of you interested in Numerology.
Please note that healing crystal meanings are spiritual supports to healing and are not prescriptions or healthcare information.
I will be covering the gifts of the mineral kingdom and their energetic influences in our daily lives.
There is more to come ♥♥♥♥♥